Wednesday, May 23, 2007

Solving the Energy "War"

I read this interesting op-ed by Frank Zarb in the New York Times about the energy crisis and efforts/proposals of the Ford administration. Ofcourse, being a republican he calls it a "War" and not a "Crisis". In the post-9/11 era, oil and converntional energy sources has become a huge stumbling block for peace throughout the world- ranging from the Iraq war to low scale but devastating conflicts thoughout Africa.

The primary question on everyone's mind should be What do we do about it? Is finding more disparate non-renewable sources of energy aka nuclear energy the solution to this problem? Are so-called renewable sources, like corn based ethanol the solution to this problem? (This makes me recall a piece carried on NPR a couple of weeks ago, where a senator declared his support for "anything" ethanol to solve the energy crisis. How ignorant!!) Is solar going to take off? (Not without huge government incentives similar to what Germany did) A hydrogen economy- that one is a joke...

Hmm, how about conservation? Why is nobody talking about conservation? How about setting up more comprehensive public transportation systems? My parents who are visitng me from India complain about lack of any public transport. I think people feel better about themselves when they fill up their 5 mile a gallon SUV with biodiesel and slap on a "Support the Troops" sticker on the bumper to clean up their "green" conscience. Myself, I will try biking to work and save those gallons...... If only I can be at passdown on time.


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