Tuesday, April 29, 2008

INTC hedge update

My INTC covered call writing see earlier post is going well so far. As long as stock price stays above 18.90 I will be making more money than I would have. If stock price stays above 22.50 till January, I am in danger of the exercise and the shares being taken away. If the stock price drops below 22.50, the shares still stay with me and I get the premium which is 1.83 per share.


Sunday, April 27, 2008

Random muse

Just watched the movie "Into the Wild" about Chris Mclandless. An American student, who gave everything to charity and led a life of a vagabond, retired to the Alaskan wild to live in solitude and died of starvation 5 month into his quest.

Do human relationships and togetherness really matter for leading a meaningul life? What was going on in his mind in the last stages of his life? Did he regret doing what he did? How did it feel being so lonely, knowing there were so many people who love you, yet dying alone unsure if they will ever find out what happened to you? Was he at peace with himself at the end?

In some ways, I understand his quest for just trying to know what his life is for. Alexander Supertramp.


Friday, April 18, 2008


I am out of PCLN this morning

Thursday, April 17, 2008

PCLN entry

I entered PCLN 50 sh at 120.05 today. Low volume pullback to previous support levels with good OBV and oversold stochastics. My initial target is 129 just below recent highs ~130 with stop at 115 below the previous two days low.


Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Flight from Safety to Stocks?

Are we seeing a flight from safe bond funds to equities?

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