Thursday, May 29, 2008

Trading et al...

Slowly making a transition from an impulsive day trader to a swing trader with position sizing and wider stop limits.

Jhumpa Lahiri interviewed with Charlie Rose last night. As beautiful as she is a good author. Her latest is on my to read list.
I am watching Juno and Ellen Page has got on my to watch actresses list.

Currently reading The Conscience of a Liberal by Paul Krugman. The guy makes lucid arguments. He and Steve Levine are the most interesting economists to read. Also reading Whats the matter with Kansas, I hope to finish it before the Presidential campaigns start full steam.

Speaking of that, isnt it time Hillary Clinton atleast stopped making ridiculous comments, insinuate about assassinations and prejudice against women candidates if not drop out of the race and endorse Obama whole heartedly. It is akin to crying discrimination against a person belonging to a long discriminated race. She could end up being the Ross Perot and Ralph Nader of past elections screwing up the Dems, and she seems to be partly there already.

Friday, May 23, 2008

Random muses

The markets have been tanking since the Fed made it clear in the FOMC minutes that further rate cuts were not happening. I am currently in 2 long losing positions, that I plan to hold on to till their stops are met. I would have to say the stops are looser than I would have liked and I did get into these positions not as well planned as I would have liked. Another learning experience in the life of Pai....

What the fuck am I doing online at 430 in the morning? My sleep cycle has been messed up since I started working at my current job and I doubt it will change till I take drastic measures. it seems like everytime I take a vacation, my sleep cycle repairs itself and it lasts for a few weeks after I get back. Something needs to change.